Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Indian Stamper Challenge

Hey guys, Indian Stampers are holding a Christmas + non traditional colors challenge ICRC13

The first thing that came to my mind was Christmas decorations and then I narrowed it down to Christmas tree ornaments cause what a lovely spectrum of colours they have and well here's my take on ICRC13 Challenge using ribbons and ribbons..enjoy!!


No ZIA at "Iamthediva" this week as her little ones are not well :(
Get well soon kiddos!!

A different format ...Have a great day!! 

Laura of "Iamthediva" holds ZIA challenges every Monday, unfortunately her kids are not well so this week there is no challenge

Friday, December 9, 2011 to the world...

x'mas cards...

Zentangle life

Meet this week's ZIA made with the new tangle FIFE.
Check out Lauras site "Iamthediva" to read more on how Zentangle has touched peoples lives!!
For me it taught me how to breathe, every stroke helped me to get calmer and more focused.
Every time I am in a state of turmoil, anger, lost, impatient - all the depressing adjectives I start tangling and out goes all the negativity.
And "Thank You" Laura for the lovely challenges, it keeps the mojo flowing!!